Fighter is a Hindi language Aerial action thriller, a story of Top Indian Air Force (IAF) aviators coming together in the face of imminent danger, to battle the country’s internal and external forces.
As Militant activities were going out of control, a new unit, Air Dragons is commissioned by the Air Headquarters, as first responders to any hostile activity, comprising of the best combat aviators handpicked from across the Indian Air Force.
FIGHTER unfolds the story of Patty and his mates camaraderie, brotherhood and going through the highs and lows of their internal and external battles.
Hrithik Roshan
Deepika Padukone
Anil Kapoor
Karan Singh Grover
Akash Oberoi & others.
Siddharth Anand
Marflix Pictures, Viacom 18 Studios.
Mamta Anand, Ramon Chibb, Anku Pande, Kevin Vaz, Ajit Andhare.